7 Interesting Facts about the Dead Sea in Jordan

7 Interesting Facts about the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, also referred to as the Sea of Death or Salt Sea, is situated in southwest Asia between Israel and Jordan. The Dead Sea has the lowest elevation on land and is surrounded by the Transjordanian plateaus in the east and Judaea in the west. The Dead Sea of Jordan is well known across the world because the water there is ten times saltier than ocean water. There are plenty of other fascinating facts about the Dead Sea in Jordan addition to these.

Lowest point on Earth

There are approximately 430 meters of water below it. The huge seafloor of the Dead Sea is home to more than 37 billion tons of salt, making it ten times saltier than regular ocean water. Because of the arid and hot climate, the water that flows into the sea from the Things To Do In Jordan Stream generally evaporates, preserving the water's salt content. This Dead Sea has gradually risen to become the fourth saltiest body of water in the world as the amount of salt accumulates and is trapped in the same seabed for an extended period of time. 

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There is no life

The Sea of Death, as its name implies, is devoid of all life. It is entirely impossible to support life in this water due to the excessive salinity of the sea bed. Thus, the beautiful blue water is not home and just a few bacteria and fungus that can withstand such high climatic conditions are present there.

Free Spa on Earth

Free Spa on Earth

The Dead Sea is ideal for bodily rejuvenation because it is the center of beneficial minerals with significant medical value to human life. With a high success rate, the water's rich mineral content is utilized to treat skin conditions including cellulite and acne thanks to its healing properties. This sea can treat you with its therapeutic power if you suffer from osteoarthritis or problems with your bones or muscles. According to legend, Cleopatra from antiquity likewise fell in love with the sea's therapeutic qualities and frequently included it in her daily regimen. As a result, the Dead Sea is also known as the "Biggest Free Spa on Earth," where visitors are free to spend as much time as they choose. During your Jordan Tours, you will be taken to this amazing place where you can relax and whisk in the calmness. 

A mud bath at the Dead Sea is popular

The benefits of the Dead Sea mud are quite well-known around the world.  On the Dead Sea's shore, there are several stunning resorts and spa services set up. The high salt content and the mud's anti-inflammatory characteristics are thought to aid in restoring the skin's lost luster. The best method to have full mud therapy is to take a bath in the Dead Sea, bury yourself in the mud, wait until dusk, and then carefully rinse it all off by swimming in the Dead Sea.

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In the Dead Sea, you cannot drown

One of the most amazing aspects of this sea is that you will effortlessly float on the Dead Sea without any assistance. This is magical because of the high salt content in the same. Just now, many tourists came here to witness this amazing event. However, keep in mind that if you unintentionally consume a lot of seawater inside your body, making it heavier and simpler to drown, you could Place To Visit In Jordan also be sucked into the dead sea. Also, watch out for the Western wins, which are frequently caused by ocean waves and can cause even experienced swimmers to drown.

Dead Sea has been diminishing over time

Dead Sea in Jordan

One important aspect of the Dead Sea Jordan is that, according to academics, the sea is literally dying off. It is evident that the water level is dropping considerably more quickly than usual, which could finally result in the sea disappearing in the ensuing decades. The sea's area has decreased from 410 square miles in the 1930s to 234 square miles in the current year. This recession is growing each year rather than decreasing. So these were the 7 Interesting Facts about Dead Sea in Jordan.

Scrolls from the Dead Sea

Due to the mention of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Dead Sea has also gained notoriety in the past ten years. These scrolls, which were first discovered in Qumran in 1947, are made up of 800 papers that include sacred writings on the Bible, the background of Judaism, and the history of Christianity. Although the scrolls are now securely stored in the Israel Museum, people still throng the 11 caves close to Qumran to witness the site of the discovery.

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